Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Star Wars Wishlist | v1

Star Wars Wishlist v1

        The things I think should go into the new Star Wars movies are the following:

►Han Solo to come back (with cybernetic legs if necessary!)
►To have a Kyber/lightsaber crystal which grants special powers or effects.
►To have the return of Jar Jar.
►To somehow have 'THE RETURN OF THE CLONES'

Epic Storm Trooper after this image - just for fun! - Zoom out to see it better.
In my opinion, the clones were one of the best things that happened to Star Wars.
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Monday, 18 April 2016

Star Wars 8 OFFICIAL Trailer Confirmed!

Star Wars 8 OFFICIAL Trailer Confirmed!

First Reaction
Wow - this could be good!
After Finding Out Release Date
Oh my, this could be bad.

        To many Star Wars Fans, the release of Star Wars 8 (not Rouge 1) is big and most of all good news, but it seems the release could terminate the Star Wars Universe forever - yes, I said it - FOREVER!

        Do not take me wrong, I am excited, but since Rouge 1 is coming out in December and after doing some research; it seems that Star Wars 8 is coming out in January - February the latest. It seems the two films will clash for popularity. This will create the same domino effect as it did in the Avenger movies; making to many films at once makes them seem the same and makes it pointless to watch any of them. If this happens, Star Wars is doomed!
The Trailer Will Come Out - Soon!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Star Wars 7 Review | 6/10 Overall Rating

Star Wars 7 Review

Overall Rating 

        Star Wars 7 is a very complicated film, it adds new elements to the Star Wars Universe but tends to have some major faults in the storyline. To help analyse the film I will list the 'pros and cons' and then rate the film from there.

Pros - 
  • The actors for main parts were still the same as they were in the original 6 films.
  • There were some moments that were amusing.
Cons - 
  • To start with, is it not familiar to Star Wars fans that the whole series of Star Wars started on Tatooine, a DESERT planet? Well if it is then how come no one has noticed that Rey lives on Jakku- another DESERT planet. Is the Death Star also not familiar to people?! Because it is crystal clear that the First Order have built another one!
  • In my opinion, the new First Order Death Star is just a planet with a huge laser cannon in the middle which makes the old Death Star look puny. I mean, if the new laser planet was dangerous it would have destroyed every single planet by now. 
  • Is it just me, or is Kylo Ren's lightsaber more likely to kill him, or slice his hand off, due to the two extra horizontal blades of his lightsaber, than to defeat another Jedi.
  • Now, the main problem with Star Wars 7 : Han Solo dies - I don't think I need to say any more than that.
        So I think Star Wars 7 deserves:
Overall Average - 6/10
Storyline - 7/10
Amusement Factor - 4/10
Interest Factor - 6/10
Above Is Kylo Ren, Wearing His Mask And Using The Worst Lightsaber In The Galaxy!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Star Wars 8/Rouge 1 | KILL ME NOW, SERIOUSLY?!

Star Wars 8/Rouge 1

First Reaction...

Well, it seems that Disney has decided to REALLY mess things up in the Star Wars Universe. Guess what? Now they are making Star Wars 8/Rouge 1 which is set between episodes five and six! WHAT!?

I mean episode seven was 'ok', but still messed up the whole Star Wars Saga. But now it does not make any sense to have an episode that is technically episode 8 but between episodes 5 & 6...just no.

How can Disney think it is acceptable to have an episode in between 5 & 6 about 10 YEARS LATER?! It is bad enough that they will have different actors for main roles. So, if you thought "Yes the return of Han Solo as Harrison Ford!" or "Yay no Skywalker with wrinkles" you are probably going to be disappointed.

In conclusion to this, I say Lucasfilm and George Lucas would be disappointed and ashamed of Disney. I think Disney's good reputation is the only reason people are going to watch the Star Wars movies. This reputation that they have might crumble if they carry on like this.

Oh, Ok Now It Is A Star Wars Story - Could This Get Much Worse? - Answer ► This is Just The Start Of The Humiliation To Star Wars Disney Will Bring...Obviously!